Why are you applying for Financial Aid? (150 words minimum required) (coursera financial aid)


Coursera financial aid application

Why are you applying for Financial Aid? (150 words minimum required)

I am a BTech student at VJTI, Mumbai. I am doing my BTech in Computer Engineering and I have to do projects of machine learning in the third year.

I am applying for Financial aid for this course as I will be developing my project using Machine Learning Concepts. I am not that financially good to be able to pay the fees & take classes. My parents are a farmer and I support my financial needs by taking part-time tuitions. I am staying in Mumbai where the cost of living is very high. I also have to pay for my college fees.

So, I really need this financial aid. I had also applied financial aid for other courses on Coursera and got accepted, I am so regularly and honestly doing the courses. I hope that after doing these courses I will be able to get a decent job and then I will definitely try to contribute in whatever way possible to make Coursera further bigger. Whenever I will get a job, I will definitely contribute to Coursera financially. I will spread Coursera as a good-will ambassador.

How will taking this course help you achieve your career goals? (150 words minimum required)

Taking this course will definitely help me to achieve my career goals, it will tremendously enhance my prospects as a data scientist if I complete this course. which will enhance my resume & it will help to get in my desired company & it will definitely help to achieve my career goals. I am doing my BTech in Computer Engineering and my Project Title is - "Automated face recognition using deep learning  ". I will be developing my project using Machine learning concepts and I will use the dataset in excel file format therefore this course becomes very much important for me.
I had also applied financial aid for other courses on Coursera and got accepted, I am very regularly and honestly doing the courses. I hope that after doing these courses I will be able to get a decent job and then I will definitely try to contribute in whatever way possible to make Coursera further bigger. I will try to be a goodwill ambassador for Coursera. I do encourage my juniors and my friends to take a course on Coursera. I have been following Coursera since it's inception. This course will help me to become a  Data Scientist and then I will be able to apply that to build my project successfully. Ultimately this course will provide me an opportunity to get a Developer Job.
Whenever I get a job, I will definitely contribute to Coursera financially. I will spread Coursera as a good-will ambassador.


If you answered no, please help us understand why.

I can't pay low-interest loans now because I am not earning yet & already took the loan to complete undergrad studies


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